Performance benchmarking with hashcat and sysbench

You can compare performance between linux systems using hashcat.

Install using sudo apt-get install hashcat

Run with hashcat -b

A series of cryptographic hashing algorithms are run and the resulting hashes/second reported.

Example output from LG Gram 17 laptop:

hashcat benchmark LG Gram 17

Example output from Raspberry Pi 4 Model B (8GB)

hashcat benchmark Raspberry Pi 4 Model B (8GB)

Before using sysbench, first you need to determine the number of CPU cores in your system.

Two ways to do this, either grep -c ^processor /proc/cpu or lscpu

Determine the number of CPU Cores

Then sysbench cpu –threads=4 run replacing 4 with the number of cores in your system, e.g. on Raspberry Pi 4 Model B…

sysbench cpu benchmark tool

On a LG Gram 17 laptop,

LG Gram 17 16 Cores
LG Gram 17
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