Powershell and the NTFSSecurity Module

The powershell NTFSSecurity module provides cmdlets to export and import security.  Unlike icacls which sticks to using sddl format (for a 10 fold increase in speed exporting security for large filesystems), powershell will resolve the SIDs in sddl format into human friendly names by chatting to the DC as it goes.  Some useful commands are noted below.

Download from here
NTFSSecurity Module for Powershell

Just create the folder “NTFSSecurity” in the folder set according to the environment variable %PSModulePath%

The module should now be listed in “Get-Module -ListAvailable” and can be imported using “Import-Module NTFSSecurity“.

For example, all the files in the zip file have to be in “%SystemRoot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\NTFSSecurity\“.
If you did this then the module should be listed in “Get-Module -ListAvailable” and can be imported using “Import-Module NTFSSecurity“.

Note that running Windows Powershell Modules (look for the powershell icon with the admin shield in the corner in your start menu), will automatically load the module upon CLI startup.

#to backup permissions just pipe what Get-Ace returns to Export-Csv
get-childitem -Recurse | Get-Ace -ExcludeInherited | Export-Csv permissions.csv

#to restore the permissions pipe the imported data to Add-Ace
#As the imported data also contains the path you do not need to specify the item
Restore: Import-Csv .\permissions.csv | Add-Ace

get-childitem -Recurse | get-inheritance | export-CSV C:\inheritanceon.csv -NoTypeInformation

get-childitem -recurse -exclude *.* | get-ace | export C:\migrationscripts\incinherited.csv -notypeinformation

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Share all subfolders as individual hidden shares

Continuing on from my previous post about setting permissions on all migrated users home directories here…

Re-permissioning Users Home Directories

Re-permission each users subdirectory so only their user account has access (note that the homedir name and username must match),

for /f %%f IN (‘dir /ad /b E:\MigratedData\homedirs\’) DO cacls E:\MigratedData\homedirs\%%f /e /p %%f:F

It is also possible to share each migrated home directory (or any other set of subfolders) as its own hidden share, without the repetitious click, click,click of the share wizard and copious amounts of your time (that you’ll never get back).  Let the command line take the strain!  And the best bit?  You don’t even need PowerShell to do it!


Create a hidden share for each users home directory (Note: home directory must have appropriate NTFS security in place)

for /f %%f IN (‘dir /ad /b E:\MigratedData\homedirs\’) DO net share %%f$=E:\MigratedData\homedirs\%%f /GRANT:Everyone,FULL

You could tighten up the share security only allowing the user themselves to have full control (in terms of share permissions – the underlying NTFS perms to that effect should already be in place), by changing /GRANT:Everyone,FULL to /GRANT:%%f,FULL

Note that double %% is necessary for using these commands in a batch file,  If you want to run them straight on the command line, you’ll need to drop one of the % e.g. for /f %f IN…



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Finding SIDs that haven’t changed after SetACL

This post follows on from a previous post sidmaps and setacl describing how you can use SetACL with a SID map generated using dsquery to translate sidHistory attributes to primarySIDs for migrated groups used in the permissions on your data.  It is used in the final stages of a domain migration so cut the reliance on the continued existence of the old domain controllers in order to verify that the sidHistory attributes of migrated groups in the new domain still correspond with a valid object in the old domain (often referred to as ‘lookback’ or ‘reachback’).

Before an old domain can be decommissioned, the SIDs securing the NTFS folders need to be switched to use only the primary SIDs of the migrated groups.

Once a first pass of SetACL with a sidmap has been run, you’ll need to check that there are no legacy SIDs still being used to secure any folders.

To achieve this, I re-run an export of the security using a command similar to

icacls E:\rootfolder /save H:\exports\E_export.txt 

then split the potentially large log file up into 10Mb pieces using a free filesplitter such as the one available here filesplitter.org

I open each file and re-save in ANSI encoded format using Notepad++ available here Notepad++ This is necessary for the subsequent pattern matching steps to work correctly.

I make sure I have GNUWin32 utilities installed available here GNUWin32 so that I can use powerful command line utilities such as cut, sort and uniq ordinarily only available in Linux/UNIX, in Windows.

The following command is then used to strip the old sids from the files and create a new unique list of old SIDs

cut -d; -f6 file_01(10).txt | cut -d) -f1 | findstr S-1-5-1-123456789 | sort | uniq >> sidlist.txt      

(can use | wc -l to just count lines)

I repeat the command on the first file of the set of ten split files i.e file_01(10).txt, for the following fields (we’ve already done field 6 i.e. -f6)

11, 16, 21, 26, 31, 36, 41, 46, 51, 56 and so on (increments of 5) until I get nothing more out for file_01(10).txt before moving on and repeating the process for file 2 i.e file_02(10).txt and so on until I’ve exhausted all 10 files.  This doesn’t take as long as it sounds.  It’s even quicker if you put it in a loop like this…

REM Requires GNUWin32 installed as a prereq.
REM Use fsplit.exe to break large icacls exports into 10MB pieces.
REM Usage Example: extractsids.bat exportfile_01(16).txt 1552345678
SET /a i=6
IF %i%==56 GOTO END
echo Extracting sids matching %2 from field %i% in %1…
cut -d; -f%i% %1 | cut -d) -f1 | findstr %2 | sort | uniq >> %1_sidsextracted.txt
SET /a i=%i%+5
sort %1_sidsextracted.txt | uniq > %1_%2_extractedsids.txt
if exist %1_sidsextracted.txt | uniq > %1_%2_extractedsids.txt
if exist %1_sidsextracted.txt (
del %1_sidsextracted.txt
) else (
echo “Somethings gone wrong.
echo Done! Extracted sids written to %1_extractedsids.txt

I then re-sort and unique the list again to end up with my final list of SIDs that were not changed as part of the initial Re-ACL process. (Step is included in batch file above).

sort sidlist.txt | uniq > unchanged_sids.txt

If I need to identify what users or groups these unique SIDs correspond to in AD, then I can use the free tool available here sidtoname.exe in conjunction with the following batch file that I’ll call get_names.bat

@echo off
REM Usage:  From a command line…
REM groupnames.bat unchanged_sids.txt > names.txt
REM Dependencies: sidtoname.exe
for /f %%a in (%1) do (
sidtoname.exe %%a

And there you have it.  A list of groups whose SID’s were not changed after an initial pass of SetACL with a sidmap.  You now need to take the list of sids or the list of groups and determine the sidHistory and primarySIDs of them, then append them to your original sidmap before re-running another pass of SetACL.  Note that the groups listed in names.txt could be user names as well as group names (or aliases too).  They will be conveniently prepended with a label of User, Group or Alias accordingly.




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Using Linux commands on WIndows

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could pipe the output from windows commands into non-windows commands like grep, cut, awk, sort etc that are available to you on alternative unix-based operating systems?


Download and install GNUWin32 from here and the CoreUtils package here and Grep here that should do it.  There are more packages available though here

Once installed, add the path to the bin directory to your Windows System Environment Variable Path

Environment_variables Path

A few useful commands will now be available on the command line.  My favourite is comm which compares files and can be quite flexible with the output with the -1 -2 or -3 switches to suppress lines that appear in file1, file2 or both files respectively.   You can also combine them e.g. -12 -23, 13 to affect the output, so that only the desired output is achieved.  This takes a bit of playing around with, but is very powerful and very simple.  So much so, that it is my number 1 go to tool for file comparison.  Examples shown the in the screenshots below.

comm-helpcomm-3 comm_windows

Note:  Some Windows tools such as icacls export text to a format other than ANSI.  When viewed using Notepad or Notepad++, all appears fine, but if you cat them , you’ll see there are effectively spaces between each character, meaning grep won’t work.  Such text files will need to be saved in ANSI format first.  You can do this using Notepad++.  After selecting Encode in ANSI, save it, then retry grep for a more successful pattern match!



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Comparing text files using Notepad++

Notepad++ is my favourite text editor for Windows.  It’s great, it’s free and you should use it.  I’ll leave you to discover it’s cool little features, including themes under Style Configurator.  My favourite theme is khaki for its ease on the eyes when trawling through logs.  black on white gets pretty tiresome.  Syntax colour highlighting according to your coding language is a nice touch too, for spotting those elusive typos tripping up your code.


It used to include a plugin called Compare, that you could use to compare different files and highlight their differences, but this was removed due to compatibility issues.  Hopefully it’ll return.  In the meantime, it is possible to download the plugin separately, and copy it to the plugins folder under Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\plugins


Expand the zip file and copy the .dll into place…


Restart Notepad++ (it conveniently opens whatever files were open before it was closed – another nice feature).  The plugins menu now has the Compare plugin…


Files are compared and differences highlighted…


There is also a convenient navigation pane on the right hand side (not shown) that shows all the red and green areas (mismatches and differences) in the files.

Enjoy the best free text editor and file comparison functionality all in the same app and ask yourself why in 2015 Microsoft’s own Notepad bundled with Windows still doesn’t have any of these essential features built in.

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Re-ACL of inter-domain migrated data

When migrating from one domain to another (usually new) domain, the users and groups are migrated so as to retain their historical SID.  This is so that the migrated account in the new domain can still access resources in the old domain that were secured against that users unique SID or groups to which that user was once a member.  When a user account is migrated, a new account is effectively created with a new, unique SID, but the old SID is also retained.

This is convenient so that everything continues to “hang together” in terms of newly migrated users being able to access new data and old data pending its inevitable migration to file servers or NAS in the new domain.

Once the data is migrated to the new domain, then the ACL’s will still likely contain ACE’s of user and group SIDs from the legacy domain.  The migrated users will still be able to access this data provided the old domain continues to exist for the purposes of authenticating old SIDs but at some point, the old domain will likely be scheduled for decomissioning to free up money and space associated with cooling, electricity and ongoing support overheads.  Another option would be to virtualize an old DC and have done with it.

The legacy user and group SID’s contained in the ACE’s will need to be translated to the primary SIDs of the new migrated users and groups to remove the need for legacy DC’s to remain in the new environment.  This can be done using SetACL – the freely available tool mentioned in other posts such as Removing Orphaned SIDs.

The following prose is a combination of my own notes and those found on the Helge Klein website where SetACL can be downloaded.

Migration – the Flexible Way

SetACL 3 comes with a more flexible way of handling permissions migrations. Its enhanced migration engine can be used to migrate intra-domain, inter-domain or any mix of the two. To start a migration using the flexible model use a command line similar to the following:

SetACL -on D:\Data -ot file -actn trustee -trst csv:C:\temp\mappings.csv;ta:repltrst -rec cont

This instructs SetACL to copy permissions between individual users or groups for the D:\Data directory tree. Which accounts the migration is performed for is read from a simple CSV file, mappings.csv in the example, whose contents might look like this:


or like this… (both formats are supported, I prefer this one i.e. sddl format)


As you can see, the system is flexible, powerful and easy to use. All you have to do is create a mapping table pairing old account with new account. If you do not want to do that or if you think it is just too much bother: the simpler method presented above still works and is still considered useful in many scenarios.

Command reference

Working example

Back up directory security first.  Always use a starting folder, not the root of the drive.  The restores do not work to the root of a drive as the export file has an empty first line that upsets the restore process.  This means you may need to back up each top level folder individually so that your restores would work or you can just delete the first empty line (but be aware you’ll not recover its permissions and applying them manually will cause them to subsequently ripple down through the tree (no)thanks to Windows’ behaviour.)

icacls D:\sourcedata /save ACL_Dep.txt /T /C    (Traverse and continue on errors )

backups of acl’s can be restored as follows:

icacls D:\ /restore ACL_Dep.txt /c   (continue on errors such as missing files)

Map files can be created as follows.
Dump SID + SID history to a file for Migrated Groups: (change the OU path with the correct one for your AD)

dsquery * “OU=Groups,OU=MigratedGroups,OU=Cromford,OU=UK,OU=DEV,OU=VMFARM,DC=cyberfella,DC=co,DC=uk” -filter “(&(objectClass=Group)(sidHistory=*))” -attr sidHistory ObjectSID -limit 20000 > Sidmapping.txt

Check if –limit option is set large enough given the number of groups in your domain. Perform necessary edits to the sidmapping.txt file until it’s format looks like this (below).


Re-ACL Migrated Group ACE’s from the historical SIDs currently securing the data to the primary object SIDs in the new domain using the freely available SetACL tool.

setacl -on D:\destinationdata -ot file -actn trustee -trst csv:sidmapping.txt;ta:repltrst -rec cont_obj –log reacl_log.txt

The following command will delete any orphaned SIDs (ACE’s that to don’t resolve to any group in AD and thus serve no purpose)

setacl -on D:\destinationdata -ot file -actn delorphanedsids -rec cont_obj


(Obviously your results may vary depending on many variables such as number of folder, files, rows in sid map csv, disk speed, cpu speed, etc)

Exporting ACLs for 128GB filesystem consisting of 30,000 files in 2,750 folders on an HP ProBook CORE i5 laptop took 15 seconds.and processed every file successfully although problems are generally encountered if files have been created using file explorer run as administrator (the ownership changes from the logged on user to admnistrators).

5 new groups were added to the acl’s at the top of the tree and re-exporting the security took 17 seconds (a further 3 seconds)

Re-ACLing the filesystem using a SID Map containing 5 rows to translate ALL ACE’s referencing the newly added groups to a single new group, took 5 minutes, 45 seconds.

Copying the folder structure only but leaving all files behind (create duplicate empty folder structure with security using emcopy), took 14 seconds.

Re-ACLing the empty folder structure (2,750 folders), avoiding the overhead of scanning and re-acling 30,000 files took 25 seconds.

It is therefore recommended that re-acling take place on a duplicate empty folder structure and data (files) are subsequently copied into it using emcopy with the /nosec switch.

For large filesystems, say over 1TB, you may want to process each top level folder as its own individual job, looping through all top level folders sequentially.  It’s definitely my preferred approach with pretty much everything, not just setacl.  You can use a for loop to do this, e.g.

for /f %%f in (‘dir s:\ /ad /b’) DO setacl.exe -on “d:\root\%%f”  -ot file -actn trustee -trst csv:sidmap.txt;ta:repltrst -rec cont_obj


As is often the case, the real-world (the source of all my blog posts) presents some unforseen issues around the use of these complex tools, and setacl appears to have an issue whereby re-acling using the trustee action above (the same method as documented on Helge Klein’s website) also performs a reset on the inheritance attribute, potentially opening up hardened subfolders where the original inherited ace’s have been partially retained and inheritance turned off.

The following sequence of commands appear to correct the issue by re-breaking inheritance, removing inherited ace’s, applying specific permissions to the subfolder before turning inheritance back on on the parent.

Consider the following structure.  T:\level 1\level 2\level 3  where level 2 inherits from level 1 but level 3 stops inheriting and has its own permissions set.  If these permissions were originally ace’s that were inherited, then re-permissioning can reset inheritance.  The following sequence of commands seems to correct it.  Your mileage may vary.

setacl -on “t:\level 1\level 2” -ot file -actn setprot -op “dacl:p_nc;sacl:p_nc”          (Protection, No Copy Inherited ACEs)

setacl -on “t:\level 1\level 2\level 3” -ot file -actn ace -ace “n:S-1-5-21-12345-12345-12345-1234;p:full” -ace “n:S-1-5-21…. and so on.

setacl -on “t:\level 1\level 2\level 3” -ot file -actn setprot -op “dacl:p_nc;sacl:p_nc”  (Protection, Remove Inherited ACEs)

setacl -on “t:\level 1\level 2” -ot file -actn setprot -op “dacl:np;sacl:np”                  (No Protection)

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View Windows Permissions / ACLs

There are many GUI and command line tools kicking around that can be used to list, export, change permissions on Windows file systems.  Here are my three favourites with some useful command line examples used to view windows permissions.


DumpACL Export Directory Security using a simple but flexible GUI in a concise format suitable for Wxcel (only non-inherited permissions listed in readable (group names, not SID) format.


SetACL Probably the most flexible and well documented tool for listing and changing ACLs.  Useful in migrating data from one domain to another.  Lots of options.  Easy to use once oriented.

setacl -on C:\MyFolder -ot file -actn list -lst “f:tab;w:d;i:n;s:n”  -display permissions (non-inherited, human friendly group names)

setacl -on C:\MyFolder -ot file -actn list -lst “f:tab;w:d;i:n;s:y”  -display permissions (non-inherited actual SIDs)

The setacl command is made up of three parts or four if you require recursion.

-on (Object Name) – can be the path to a folder

-ot (Object Type)  -can be file, reg, printer or other objects

-actn (Action)   -can be one or more actions to apply such as list, clear, setowner, setgroup, domain and many others such as delorphanedsids to delete orphaned sids.

-rec (Recursive) is a fourth option used to carry on for specific container object children.  As such it can take values of cont, obj or cont_obj to specify folder, files or both respectively.

Some actions come with their own additional options.  E.g. the -lst part after the list action -actn list is optional, but it provides the greatest control over the output format of the list actions functionality.

f: (Format) – can be sddl, csv or tab

w: (What) – can be d s o or g (dacl, sacl, owner or group)

i: (Inherited) – can be y or n (yes or no to display inherited perms or not)

s: (SID)  -can be y or n (yes for SIDs, no for Group Names, or b for both)

Full documentation here

A recoverable backup of security dacls can be performed using the -bckp function (not -log), but the format must be sddl (sids only).

icacls Windows Command Line Built-in.  simple and easy to use.

icacls C:\MyFolder      -displays permissions of folder.  Doesn’t require command line to be run as administrator unlike its deprecated predecessor cacls and is quicker and easier than equivalent SetAcl command (above) to provide a quick list of permissions from the command line.

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Delete orphaned SIDs in ACLs

As users and groups get deleted from Active Directory, so files and folders that were once secured to allow those users and groups access will be left with “orphaned SIDS” appearing in their ACLs (or Discretionary Access Control Lists to be precise).

These orphaned SIDs would have once resolved to the name of a user or group, but since that object has been removed from the AD, that is no longer possible, leaving behind all sorts of harmless untidyness to annoy the more obsessive compulsive sysadmins amongst us.

There is a very powerful free tool available called SetACL to delete orphaned sids


which can perform all kinds of clever functions against security access control lists of all sorts of objects, not just folders and files.  It is concisely well documented too, so I won’t even attempt writing a full overview of it’s capabilities in one post.  I’ll very likely write many posts with working examples that achieve common difficult tasks though, so look forward to those.

Back to those orphans though.  using SetACL, they can be quickly and easily removed, leaving your DACLs nice and tidy once more.


setacl -on myfolder -ot file -actn delorphanedsids -rec cont_obj

The setacl command is essentially made up of three parts,

-on (object name),

-ot (object type)

-actn (action)

with the option of -rec (recurse) to carry on “down the tree” applying actions to cont, cont_obj or obj (folders, folders & files or files) as it goes, or turned off with no.  More than one action can be specified if you’re particularly ambitious.  Object types can be file (folders and files), or printers, registry keys and other objects too.

It can also be used to replace ACE’s for one user/group with another, and also users and groups in one domain with another using a csv file (to be covered in a later post).


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Applying user specific NTFS permissions to all home directories using CLI

There are lots of useful command line tools for listing and modifying NTFS permissions such as cacls, icacls, subinacl, setacl and System Tools’ dumpsec and I will continue to enhance this post with useful real-world examples of each in time.

I’ll start with using cacls in a for loop to process a bunch of home directories, granting full control to each home directory for the specific user.  This can be useful after migrating home directories between domains, or just as a working example of a loop to process files or directories in some way.

for /f %f IN (‘dir /ad /b X:\homedirs\u*’) DO cacls X:\homedirs\%f /e /p %f:F

(Use %%f in place of %f in batch files)

The dir /ad /b command can also be written as dir /A:D /B and has the effect of listing only names of only directories.  This prevents files being processed, limiting the application of permissions to just the directories.  For additional safety, I’ve also used u* to only list directories beginning with u (this may vary in your own environment).

The cacls command simply adds username:F (username:Full Control) to the DACL on the folder, assuming that the username and directory names match (which they almost certainly do in any Windows environment).

If the command is successful, you should see “Processed dir: X:\homedirs\<foldername>“.  Check the permissions to see the new ACE.

As with all complex commands, test on some dummy data first.

A more detailed account of migrating home directories to emc VNX using the VNX Home Directory functionality can be found here http://www.cyberfella.co.uk/2014/07/30/vnx_homedirectory/

Note: This note was written hosting home directories on a NAS, however if you need to share individual home directories as their own hidden shares on an actual Windows Server, then this additional command will save you hours of repetitiously clicking the wizard over and over again…

Create a hidden share for each users home directory (Note: home directory must have appropriate NTFS security in place)

for /f %%f IN (‘dir /ad /b E:\MigratedData\homedirs\’) DO net share %%f$=E:\MigratedData\homedirs\%%f /GRANT:Everyone,FULL

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Migrating home directories to VNX

Installation and Configuration

The emc CelerraCIFSManagement snap-in for Microsoft Management Console can be used to set up VNX Home Directory.  It’s a nightmare to find unless you still have your CD’s that came with your Celerra/VNX but see my previous post on CAVA for a possible working link to it, assuming you already have a powerlink account with emc (free to set up).

emc Home Directory is a very neat piece of functionality whereby you change the users home directory path in AD to read \\cifsserver\home and upon hitting the home share on cifsserver the user will be automatically dropped into the subfolder containing their home directory files.  If a home directory folder doesn’t already exist, it can (and will by default) create one.

You don’t need to create a home share on the VNX upfront, and if you do, HomeDirectory won’t actually start.  You will need a filesystem though.  You start the homedirectory feature from the CelerraCIFSManagement snap in, but remember to do a custom install and untick UNIX Users and CAVA if you have no intention of using them, since Unix Users will attempt to change your AD schema (but will fail if you’re account is not a schema admins member).  You can always add the other features later by re-installing and HomeDirectory will not be affected.

Once the snap in is installed, you can enable Home Directory.  It’ll warn that theres currently no database and that one should be created.  Once this is created, all you need to do is create a rule for users * with a path to your filesystem\<d>\<u> whereby <d> is the domain name they’ve logged in on and <u> is their username.  This is what controls what folder they get dropped off at and/or the folder structure that needs to be created for them if there’s no pre-existing home directory for that user.

The default security is that the users home directory is fully secured so that only they can get to it.  This can be changed by setting domain admins full control on a top level folder for the domain, and making a registry change to the emc Home Directory settings in HKLM\Software\emc\homedirectory and setting 0 to 1 which turns on inheritance.

The full official doc can be read here  HomeDirectory , but that is the basic gist of it, and I found it worked first time, so it’s pretty straightforward to get installed and running and makes subsequent adminstration of home directories a cinch.

Migrating users Home Directories

You can view my previous post on using robocopy or emcopy to migrate data.  Note that since existing home directories are each individually shared in their own right, you may feel the desire to use sharedup to migrate the shares to the VNX – This is not required since each user maps the same share and the datamover paths them through to their own subfolder.  You may want to set up an adminstrative hidden share on the root of the filesystem though, so that you can get to ALL the home directories for the purpose of deleting old users, dealing with any support problems.

There is another issue which will affect your ability to migrate users home dirs (possibly) and that is that Windows 7 et al, tend to display a users home directory as “My Documents” occasionally.  This is due to the desktop.ini file misbehaving and can easily be fixed by simply deleting it without consequence.  Obviously desktop.ini would need to be deleted for all users, and this can be done using this example forfiles script.


forfiles /p x:\homedirs /s /m desktop.ini /c “cmd /c attrib -h -s @path”

forfiles /p x:\homedirs /s /m desktop.ini /c “cmd /c del @path”

Or alternatively, exclude desktop.ini from your robocopy or emcopy using /XF desktop.ini in the command line, e.g.

emcopy \\sourcesvr\homedirs\username \\destsvr\homedirs\username *.* /s /nosec /o /a /i /d /c /xf desktop.ini /th 32 /r:5 /w:3

robocopy \\sourcesvr\homedirs\username \\destsvr\homedirs\username *.* /e /fft /np /xf desktop.ini /r:5 /w:3

If a migrated user logs on and is directed to a non-existent home directory hosted on VNX using VNX HomeDirectory, then one will automatically be created and the permissions automatically secured so that only that user can access it*

*default behaviour assuming registry flag on cifs server is still set to 0 and the rule in cifsmanagement snapin home directory settings is set to autocreate

For all other users being directed by homedirectory to their migrated home directories, the security will be inherited from the root of the filesystem*

*assuming the root has everyone full control, or has specific perms set and the registry flag for home directory on the cifs server is set to 1 to inherit all the way to the users home directory

To subsequently secure migrated home directories, we need to list each home directory and then set the permissions for the user on each one*

*assuming the home directory has the same name as the user – probable scenario given the emc HomeDirectory rules use of the <u> variable to represent the users username when creating their homedirectory.

The following command has been used successfully to add a specific Access Control Entry to the permissions on the users home directory, allowing them Full Control.

for /f %f IN (‘dir /ad /b X:\homedirs\’) DO cacls X:\homedirs\%f /e /p %f:F

Note that to execute this command in a batch file, you need to replace %f with %%f

If your filesystem fills up and you want to move, say all users beginning with u6 to a separate filesystem, then the following command is a working example.  robocopy doesn’t allow you do only copy folders matching a wildcard pattern (although it does allow you to copy all folders, excluding certain patterns).

for /f “delims=” %f IN (‘dir u:\u6* /ad /b’) DO robocopy u:\%f j:\%f /MIR /R:1 /W:1 /B /TIMFIX

Update: 28/2/2017  Real World Example: Two passes, two different approaches.  One does inital copy of just usernames beginning with u5, the second generates a list of missing users after the first pass and does a second pass targeting the missing users.

for /f “delims=” %%f IN (‘dir s:\root\u5* /ad /b/ o’) DO robocopy s:\root\%%f t:\root\%%f /COPYALL /R:1 /W:1 /B /TIMFIX /NP /FFT /LOG+d:\mattb\u5mig.log (does first pass on all u5 users)

dir /ad /b /o s:\root\u5* | tr ‘[:upper:]’ ‘[:lower:]’ | tee t:\src.txt | wc –l      (counts 2113 and writes list of all u5 users to src.txt)

dir /ad/b /o t:\root\u5* | tr ‘[:upper:]’ ‘[:lower:]’ | tee t:\dest.txt | wc –l    (counts 2113 and writes list of all u5 users to dest.txt)

comm -23 t:\src.txt t:\dest.txt | tee t:\missing.txt | wc –l  (counts 0 differences and writes list of any missing u5 users to missing.txt)

for /f “delims=” %%f IN (cat t:\missing.txt) DO robocopy s:\root\%%f t:\root\%%f /COPYALL /R:1 /W:1 /B /TIMFIX /NP /FFT /LOG+d:\mattb\u5mig.log (does 2nd pass on any missing users only)

Note: Use /TIMFIX with /B to correct non-copying of datestamps on files, resulting in 02/01/1980 datestamps on all files copied with /B Backup rights.

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