DELL/EMC Networker Backup Check Guide


This post compliments the Networker Cheat Sheet here that was originally written in 2012 and maintained for a few years before moving on to other things.

This fresh take on checking backups in EMC’s Networker product has been initially generated by ChatGPT 4o and will be maintained manually, going forward.

It compliments the original Cheat Sheet, or rather the Cheat Sheet compliments it, since it contains the finer technical detail surrounding each of the steps described at a high level, below.

Both will continue to be maintained as deemed necessary/valuable.

EMC NetWorker Backup Check Guide
This guide provides a detailed process for an engineer to check and verify EMC NetWorker backups, ensuring data protection and recovery readiness.

Access and Permissions:

Ensure you have appropriate permissions to access the EMC NetWorker server and relevant systems.
Familiarize yourself with the NetWorker Management Console (NMC) and command-line interface (CLI).

Software Requirements:

EMC NetWorker installed on the server.
EMC NetWorker Management Console (NMC).
Access to client machines if needed.


Backup schedules and policies.
List of critical systems and data to be backed up.
Contact information for the IT team and stakeholders.

Steps to Check EMC NetWorker Backups

Backup clients are configured within Backup Groups. Schedules are configured within Workflows.
Groups and Workflows are added to Policies.
Backup Clients, Groups, Schedules, Workflows and Policies

1. Verify Backup Schedules and Policies
Ensure that the backup schedules and policies are correctly configured:

Open the NMC and navigate to “Configuration.”
Check “Groups” for correct scheduling.
Review “Policies” and “Workflows” to ensure all critical data is included.

2. Monitor Recent Backup Activities
Using NMC:

Go to the “Monitoring” tab.
Select “Completed Jobs” to see recent backup activities.
Check for any failed or incomplete jobs.

Using CLI:

Open a terminal and use the mminfo command:

mminfo -avot -r "client-name,level,sscomp,totalsize,ssflags" -q "savetime>=24 hours ago"

Open a terminal and use the nsrwatch command:


Review the output from mminfo and the live output in nsrwatch for any errors or issues with Uptime (server uptime), Devices (backup data storage devices), Write Completion (save sets completed, writing, 0 bytes, i.e. hung)

3. Validate Backup Completeness
Check Backup Logs:

In the NMC, navigate to “Monitoring” > “Logs.”
Review logs for errors or warnings related to backup jobs.
Using CLI:

Use the nsrinfo command to validate backup details for a specific client:

nsrinfo <client_name>

Confirm that all expected files and directories are listed.

4. Test Backup Recovery
Perform regular test recoveries to ensure data can be restored when needed:

Identify a non-critical system or a test environment for recovery.
In NMC, select “Recover” and follow the wizard to restore data.
Verify the integrity and completeness of the recovered data.

5a. Check Storage Utilization
Ensure there is sufficient storage space for backups:

In NMC, go to “Media” > “Media Management.”
Check the status and available space on storage devices.
Monitor tape or disk usage to prevent overflow.

5b. Check DataDomain Health/Capacity

The following list of commands are useful when checking the health of the DataDomain Storage Devices providing the storage media to the Networker backup servers.

enclosure show summary

net show settings

alerts show current

alerts show history

alerts clear alert-id "<alertID>"

user show list

user enable ddboost

disk show hardware

disk show state

disk fail/unfail

filesys show space

6. Review Alerts and Notifications
Configure and review alerts to stay informed about backup issues:

In NMC, navigate to “Configuration” > “Alerts.”
Set up notifications for backup failures, low storage, and other critical events.
Regularly check email or other configured notification channels.

7. Document and Report Findings
Create a Backup Status Report:

Summarize the status of recent backups.
Highlight any issues, errors, or anomalies.
Document actions taken to resolve issues.
Share with Stakeholders:

Distribute the report to relevant IT staff and management.
Schedule meetings to discuss any significant issues or improvements needed.

8. Perform Regular Maintenance
Update Software:

Ensure EMC NetWorker and any related software are up to date with the latest patches and updates.

Review and Adjust Policies:

Periodically review backup policies to adapt to changes in data volume or criticality.

9. Troubleshooting Common Issues
Failed Backups:

Check logs for specific error messages.
Ensure the client is reachable and has enough resources.
Verify network connectivity between the NetWorker server and clients.

Slow Backup Performance:

Monitor network bandwidth and server performance.
Optimize backup schedules to avoid peak usage times.
Verify that storage devices are functioning correctly.

Storage Space Issues:

Review retention policies to ensure data is not retained longer than necessary.
Add additional storage capacity if needed.

Regular checks and maintenance of EMC NetWorker backups are crucial for ensuring data integrity and availability. By following this guide, you can systematically verify backup schedules, monitor activities, validate backup completeness, test recovery processes, and maintain overall backup health. Always document findings and communicate with stakeholders to ensure transparency and readiness for data recovery.

For detailed command references and advanced troubleshooting, refer to the EMC NetWorker documentation and support resources.

Troubleshooting Non-Running Backups

The following steps help troubleshoot a non-running backup, including those that use the NMM (Networker Module for Microsoft) to perform snapshot backups of Exchange Server, SQL Server, SharePoint and Hyper-V.

In NMC, run the Backup Group containing Client and observe Failure. Check the Log output detail.

Simultaneously, observe nsrwatch and observe behaviour, checking media is online and mounted.

Ensure the FQDNs are present in the Client Config for all network interfaces, i.e. LAN and BU interface/network connections.

Perform ping and nslookup (forward and reverse lookup) tests on the command line for all the fqdns and IPs of the backup client to ensure DNS has all the requisite A and PTR records for Networker to validate the authenticity of the client.

Correct and re-run the backup, observing any new errors in NMC and using nsrwatch.

Re-test the client backup by using the following command to run the Group.

nsradmin -C "type: NSR client; group: Exchange" | more

Observe the errors and mitigate accordingly if obvious.

Error 21

For Error 21, Check the VSS Writers are healthy. Networker NMM Module for Microsoft Applications uses the VSS Writers to perform point-in-time snapshots of the data. If the VSS Shadow Copy Writers are not healthy, Networkers NMM Module cannot do its job.

vssadmin list writers

Observe any Services using the VSS Shadow Copy Service that are in an error state and restart those services.

Repeat client backup test using the nsradmin command above.

In the event of continued failure, ensure that the RMAgentPS Service is started (“Replication Manager Client for RMAgentPS“)

In the event that you’re using Client Direct to bypass the Networker Storage Node by sending block data direct to a DataDomain, ensure that the requisite ports are open to allow the communication on both LAN and BU Networks.

Exchange Backup Topology

Verifying that a Client-Direct backup has taken place

Use the following networker commands to look for flags that indicate client direct backups. 

nsrinfo -s <backup_server> -c <client_name>

mminfo -avot -c <client_name> -r "volume,ssid,client,group,pool,level,sscomp,ssflags"

In C:\Program Files\EMC NetWorker\nsr\logs\daemon.raw and nmm.raw, the following entries should be observed if it is running correctly.

Error 500

If an HTTP response code:500 error occurs when attempting to back up a new client, Check the ‘Globals (1 of 2)’ dialog in the client config on the NMC for lower and upper case ALIAS

Firewall Tests

The following commands are useful in troubleshooting firewall issues.

Attempts to connect to the nsrd process
nsradmin -s <backupserver>

Attempts to connect to the nsrexecd process
nsradmin -s <backupserver> -p nsrexecd

Displays listening processes
nsrrpcinfo -p <backupserver>

To display specific listening processes 
nsrrpcinfo -t <backupserver> nsrd

To test connectivity to Storage Node
nsrrpcinfo -t <storagenode> nsrsnmd

In a Powershell WIndow, you can test ports are open, e.g. for SQL Server

From backup server: Test-NetConnection -ComputerName <sql-client_name> -Port 1433

Client Connectivity Tests (Linux BuR Servers)

The following commands are useful in verifying backup client connectivity. Be aware that for a backup server to backup a client, the client must allow it. This is done by adding the name of the backup server to the local servers files on the backup client:

/nsr/res/servers (linux) 
C:\Program Files\EMC Networker\res\servers (Windows)
nsradmin -p 390113 -s client
echo p | nsradmin -p 390113 -i - -s host
Check Networker installed packages
rpm -qa | grep lgto
Check errors with client
nsradmin -C "type: NSR client; group: ACTest" |more

telnet <client> 7937

From backup server: rpcinfo -p "<client>"
From client: rpcinfo -p "<backup_server>"

Client Connectivity Tests (Windows BuR Servers)

From backup server: nsrrpcinfo -p “<client>”
From client: nsrrpcinfo -p “<backup_server>”

In a Powershell WIndow, you can test ports are open, e.g. for SQL Server

From backup server: Test-NetConnection -ComputerName <client_name> -Port 1433

NSR Peer Information Reset from Networker Backup Server & Client

This command can be used to reset the peer information on the backup server, effectively starting all communications between the two from a clean point. It can also be run on the backup server to clear out ALL communication between the server and all of its clients.

nsradmin -p nsrexec
print type:nsr peer information; name:client_name 

This command can be used to reset the NSR peer information from the client.

nsradmin -p nsrexec
print type:nsr peer information

To reset all communication between the NSR Backup server and all it’s backup clients in one go,

nsradmin -p 390113 -C "NSR peer information"

Unable to obtain the user credentials from the lockbox

Perform the step above to delete nsr peer information from the client,

Edit /etc/hosts on the client and add an alias for the backup interface of the backup server, e.g.  backupserver01-b backupserver01 

Where backupserver01-b is the hostname of the backup server’s backup interface

Log Render

To view the daemon.log in a human-friendly readable format without disrupting operations, use the following command,

nsr_render_log -empathy daemon.raw > daemon.log

Probe the backup client

Probe the backup client from the backup server, logging the communication.

savegrp -pvc <client> <group_name>
More verbose logging: savegrp -D9 -pc <client> <group_name>

Check client backup history

Check the health of the backups for a client over a given period in history,

List names of all clients backed up over the last 2 weeks (list all clients)
mminfo -q “savetime>2 weeks ago” -r ‘client’ | sort | uniq

List all backups for a specific client
mminfo -q ‘client=client-name, level=full’ -r ‘client,savetime,ssid,name,totalsize’

Add a user to the admin list on a NSR Backup Server

New Backup administrators will need to be added to the NSR console as an admin user.

nsraddadmin -u user=username, host=*

Reset NMC Users password

To reset the password of an NMC user, you will still need to obtain the administrator password. Then you can use this command:

authc_mgmt -u admin -P admin_password -g nmc -op reset-user-password -u username

Stop a scheduled Save/Clone Job (jobquery/jobkill)

Clone jobs can appear running for hours but with 0 bytes written. The first thing to check is that the devices required are mounted using nsrwatch

The following describes how you identify and kill a scheduled clone job that is stuck at 0 bytes. First use jobquery to identify it.

# jobquery
jobquery> show name:; job id:; job state:
jobquery> print type: clone job; job state: SESSION ACTIVE:
                      job id: 64002;
                   job state: SESSION ACTIVE;
                        name: clone.linux clones;

then use jobkill to kill it.

jobkill -j jobID
i.e. jobkill -j 64002

If you run jobkill with no parameters, it enters a more interactive session, listing all jobs. You can identify the clone jobs and kill them without necessarily running jobquery first.

# jobkill
                      job id: 3104018;
                        name: cyberfellasvr-5;
                        type: savegroup job;
                     command: ;
           NW Client name/id: ;
                  start time: 1312763880;
                      job id: 3104025;
                        name: /d/01;
                        type: save job;cyberfellasvr.lab
save -s cyberfellasvr.lab -g nox-5 -LL -f - -m cyberfellasvr.lab -t 1312026303 
-l 5 -q -W 78 -N /d/01 /d/01;
           NW Client name/id: cyberfellasvr.lab;
                  start time: 1312763880;
                      job id: 3104026;
                        name: /;
                        type: save job;
save -s cyberfellasvr.lab -g nox-5 -LL -f - -m cyberfellasvr.lab -t 1312026306 
-l 5 -q -W 78 -N / /;
           NW Client name/id: cyberfellasvr.lab;
                  start time: 1312763880;
Specify jobid to kill ('q' to quit, 'r' to refresh): 3104018
Terminating job 3104018
Specify jobid to kill ('q' to quit, 'r' to refresh): q

vProxy Networker VMWare Protection

VM Backups are facilitated by a vProxy appliance. Controlled by the Neworker Server (and configured via NMC), the vProxy appliance backs up .vmdk files direct to the DataDomain.

Deployment of a vProxy appliance is covered here

Configuration of vProxy is covered here

Backup of VMs is covered here

Recovery of VMs is covered here

Backup and Recovery of vCenter Server is covered here

Jukeboxes and Tape Drives

If you’re extremely unfortunate, you may find yourself troubleshooting a jukebox with a replacement tape drive, decades after they’ve gone out of vendor support. Good luck with that. Here are some useful Networker nsrjb commands, in any case.

Ensure that any jumpers that control SCSI ID are set accordingly, ideally the same as the previous drive and definitely not the same as any existing drives.

After adding the new drive, open the legacy nwadmin UI and make sure the drive is set to Enable, not in Service Mode.

nsrjb -C            #Identify the jukebox and tape drives present
nsrjb -HEvv         #If the new drive isnt visible, re-initialise the jukebox
nsrjb -v -C         #Verify SCSI ID is assigned and is unique
nsrjb -v -I -S <slot_number>        #Attempt to load a tape from <slot_number>
nsrjb -C            #Verify the drive is Enabled and Ready
nsrjb -u -f <device_name>           #Eject tape from device e.g. /dev/rmt/0cbn

Despite the replacement tape drive looking identical in every way, If the firmware is not compatible then it simply won’t work. Depending on the manufacturer, the following tools can be used to backup and restore firmware to the tape drive. Same goes for the Jukebox.

For IBM Drives, obtain the IBM Tape Diagnostic Tool (ITDT), available for a multitude of operating systems. This post on the Dell KB, goes more in depth on its use.

itdt -f <device_id> firmware --backup   #Backs up existing f/w before upgrade

For HP Drives, obtain the HPE Library and Tape Tools (L&TT), also available for a multitude of operating systems including legacy Solaris and OpenVMS systems,

For Quantum drives, obtain Quantum StorageCare Guardian available for Windows, Solaris and Linux.

Disable McAfee AV to speed up NMC loading times

NMC can be slow to load for a variety of reasons, some of which are unavoidable. But you can disable AV to speed it up.

"c:program files (x86)\McAfee\VirusScan Enterprise\mcadmin.exe" /disableoas

Display all users known to the NMC

To see if your account has been added to the NMC for access, or to obtain the username if you do not know it, you can use this command.

authc_mgmt -u administrator -p <password> -e find-all-users

Permission denied. User does not have Operate Networker or Change Application Settings privilege to perform this operation.

This can happen in a variety of situations, including the dedicated oracle backup account attempting to clear down retired backup savesets in networker.

Use the following command on the backup server to add the user as an admin:

nsraddadmin -u <user>@<server_name>

VMWare vProxy Backup Group succeeds but is marked as failed

If VM’s are removed from VMWare the UUID of the VM in Networker is still in the vmware nsrpolicy and so failure messages will still be written to the top of the log when vProxy backups run for the remaining VMs.

These UUIDs require cleaning out to prevent the errors from recurring which marks your otherwise successful backup group with a red X instead of the green tick it deserves.

The following command will remove the UUID from the nsrpolicy.

nsrpolicy group update vmware -g <backup_group> -O <UUID_from_log>

Client Credential too Weak Error

Run the following from your networker server in a command window: nsradmin -p nsrexec

NetWorker administration program.

Use the “help” command for help.

nsradmin> . type: nsrla

Current query set

nsradmin> show auth methods

nsradmin> print

auth methods: “,oldauth”;

nsradmin> update auth methods: “,nsrauth/oldauth”

auth methods: “,oldauth”;

Update? y

Once the authentication method has been updated to include nsrauth, you then need to restart the Networker services by running the below commands:

:Net stop nsrexecd

*This stops both the Networker Server and the EMC GST services.

:Net start nsrd

:Net start gstd


Savesets or more specifically the changed blocks within a saveset, can be replicated to a target copy or “clone” of that saveset on a remote datadomain.

This is achieved by configuring a target pool on the backup server with a device (or devices) in it on the remote, target datadomain. Also, a “clone” action can be configured to compliment a “backup” action in an existing workflow, so as soon as a saveset is taken, it is cloned to the remote site. This is recommended for the most critical systems as part of a disaster recovery strategy.

The technology “Clone Controlled Replication (CCR)” consists of three systems:

DDboost to manage the file replication between DataDomains,

Recover Pipe to Save (RPS) to parallelise what used to be a single threaded operation of allowing multiple asrrecopy threads in an nsrclone process to talk to a single nsrmmd process on the backup server, and

Automatic Multi-streaming (AMS) to manage the multiple data streams.

RPS is enabled by default in newer versions of Networker. It can be disabled in the Backup Server Properties, Clone, Disable RPS Clone check box. Make sure “Diagnostic Mode” is checked or you won’t see the properties.

On DataDomain

The file replication operation of the clone occurs between datadomains using the DDBoost protocol. You can use the following useful commands to view historic or current file-replication operations started by the asrrecopy thread in the nsrclone process on the backup server (or storage node).

ddboost file-replication show active

ddboost file-replication show history

Manual Clone

You don’t have to configure an automated clone action to clone a backup saveset in the workflow. An alternative would be a manual clone, either of a single, existing saveset, or of a list of savesets.

#Perform Single Clone of Single SaveSet
 nsrclone -b <target-pool> -S <ssid> 

#Create list of savesets and clone them to a target media pool (remote DD)
 mminfo -avot -c <client-name> -r ssid > <client-name>_savesets.txt
 nsrclone -b <target-pool> -S -f <client-name>_savesets.txt
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Bare metal DR and Linux Migration with Relax and Recover (rear)


In short, Relax and Recover (rear) is a tool that creates .tar.gz images of the running server and creates bootable rescue media as .iso images

Relax and Recover (ReaR) generates an appropriate rescue image from a running system and also acts as a migration tool for Physical to Virtual or Virtual to Virtual migrations of running linux hosts.

It is not per se, a file level backup tool.  It is akin to Clonezilla – another popular bare metal backup tool also used to migrate Linux into virtual environments.

There are two main commands, rear mkbackuponly and rear mkrescue to create the backup archive and the bootable image respectively.  They can be combined in the single command rear mkbackup.

The bootable iso provides a configured bootable rescue environment that, provided your backup is configured correctly in /etc/rear/local.conf, will make recovery as simple as typing rear recover from the recovery prompt.

You can back up to NFS or CIFS Share or to a USB block storage device pre-formatted by running rear format /dev/sdX


A professional recovery system is much more than a simple backup tool.
Experienced admins know they must control and test the entire workflow for the recovery process in advance, so they are certain all the pieces will fall into place in case of an emergency.
Versatile replacement hardware must be readily available, and you might not have the luxury of using a replacement system that exactly matches the original.
The partition layout or the configuration of a RAID system must correspond.
If the crashed system’s patch level was not up to date, or if the system contained an abundance of manually installed software, problems are likely to occur with drivers, configuration settings, and other compatibility issues.
Relax and Recover (ReaR) is a true disaster recovery solution that creates recovery media from a running Linux system.
If a hardware component fails, an administrator can boot the standby system with the ReaR rescue media and put the system back to its previous state.
ReaR preserves the partitioning and formatting of the hard disk, the restoration of all data, and the boot loader configuration.

ReaR is well suited as a migration tool, because the restoration does not have to take place on the same hardware as the original.
ReaR builds the rescue medium with all existing drivers, and the restored system adjusts automatically to the changed hardware.
ReaR even detects changed network cards, as well as different storage scenarios with their respective drivers (migrating IDE to SATA or SATA to CCISS) and modified disk layouts.
The ReaR documentation provides a number of mapping files and examples.
An initial full backup of the protected system is the foundation.
ReaR works in collaboration with many backup solutions, including Bacula/Bareos SEP SESAM, Tivoli Storage Manager, HP Data Protector, Symantec NetBackup, CommVault Galaxy, and EMC Legato/Networker.


Below is a working example of rear in action, performed on fresh Centos VM’s running on VirtualBox in my own lab environment.

Note: This example uses a Centos 7 server and a NFS Server on the same network subnet.

Add EPEL repository
yum install wget
rpm -ivh epel-release-7-0.2.noarch.rpm
yum install rear

On the CentOS machine
Add the following lines to /etc/rear/local.conf:
BACKUP_PROG_EXCLUDE=( ‘/tmp/*’ ‘/dev/shm/*’ )

Now make a backup
[root@centos7 ~]# rear mkbackup -v
Relax-and-Recover 1.16.1 / Git
Using log file: /var/log/rear/rear-centos7.log
mkdir: created directory ‘/var/lib/rear/output’
Creating disk layout
Creating root filesystem layout
TIP: To login as root via ssh you need to set up /root/.ssh/authorized_keys or SSH_ROOT_PASSWORD in your configuration file
Copying files and directories
Copying binaries and libraries
Copying kernel modules
Creating initramfs
Making ISO image
Wrote ISO image: /var/lib/rear/output/rear-centos7.iso (90M)
Copying resulting files to nfs location
Encrypting disabled
Creating tar archive ‘/tmp/rear.QnDt1Ehk25Vqurp/outputfs/centos7/2014-08-21-1548-F.tar.gz’
Archived 406 MiB [avg 3753 KiB/sec]OK
Archived 406 MiB in 112 seconds [avg 3720 KiB/sec]

Now look on your NFS server
You’ll see all the files you’ll need to perform the disaster recovery.
total 499M
drwxr-x— 2 root root 4.0K Aug 21 23:51 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4.0K Aug 21 23:48 ..
-rw——- 1 root root 407M Aug 21 23:51 2014-08-21-1548-F.tar.gz
-rw——- 1 root root 2.2M Aug 21 23:51 backup.log
-rw——- 1 root root 202 Aug 21 23:49 README
-rw——- 1 root root 90M Aug 21 23:49 rear-centos7.iso
-rw——- 1 root root 161K Aug 21 23:49 rear.log
-rw——- 1 root root 0 Aug 21 23:51 selinux.autorelabel
-rw——- 1 root root 277 Aug 21 23:49 VERSION

ReaR is not a file level Recovery tool (Look at fwbackups) however, you can perform incremental backups, in fact, in the “BACKUP_TYPE=incremental” parameter which takes care of that.
As you can see from the file list above, it shows the letter “F” before the .tar.gz extension which is an indication that this is a full backup.
Actually it’s better to make the rescue ISO seperately from the backup.
The command “rear mkbackup -v” makes both the bootstrap ISO and the backup itself, but running “rear mkbackup -v” twice won’t create incremental backups for some reason.

So first:
[root@centos7 ~]# time rear mkrescue -v
Relax-and-Recover 1.16.1 / Git
Using log file: /var/log/rear/rear-centos7.log
Creating disk layout
Creating root filesystem layout
TIP: To login as root via ssh you need to set up /root/.ssh/authorized_keys or SSH_ROOT_PASSWORD in your configuration file
Copying files and directories
Copying binaries and libraries
Copying kernel modules
Creating initramfs
Making ISO image
Wrote ISO image: /var/lib/rear/output/rear-centos7.iso (90M)
Copying resulting files to nfs location

real 0m49.055s
user 0m15.669s
sys 0m10.043s

And then:
[root@centos7 ~]# time rear mkbackuponly -v
Relax-and-Recover 1.16.1 / Git
Using log file: /var/log/rear/rear-centos7.log
Creating disk layout
Encrypting disabled
Creating tar archive ‘/tmp/rear.fXJJ3VYpHJa9Za9/outputfs/centos7/2014-08-21-1605-F.tar.gz’
Archived 406 MiB [avg 4166 KiB/sec]OK
Archived 406 MiB in 101 seconds [avg 4125 KiB/sec]

real 1m44.455s
user 0m56.089s
sys 0m16.967s

Run again (for incrementals)
[root@centos7 ~]# time rear mkbackuponly -v
Relax-and-Recover 1.16.1 / Git
Using log file: /var/log/rear/rear-centos7.log
Creating disk layout
Encrypting disabled
Creating tar archive ‘/tmp/rear.Tk9tiafmLyTvKFm/outputfs/centos7/2014-08-21-1608-I.tar.gz’
Archived 85 MiB [avg 2085 KiB/sec]OK
Archived 85 MiB in 43 seconds [avg 2036 KiB/sec]

real 0m49.106s
user 0m10.852s
sys 0m3.822s

Now look again at those backup files: -F.tar.gz is the Full Backup, -I.tar.gz is the Incremental. There’s also basebackup.txt and timestamp.txt files.
total 585M
drwxr-x— 2 root root 4.0K Aug 22 00:09 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4.0K Aug 22 00:04 ..
-rw-r–r– 1 root root 407M Aug 22 00:07 2014-08-21-1605-F.tar.gz
-rw-r–r– 1 root root 86M Aug 22 00:09 2014-08-21-1608-I.tar.gz
-rw-r–r– 1 root root 2.6M Aug 22 00:09 backup.log
-rw-r–r– 1 root root 25 Aug 22 00:05 basebackup.txt
-rw——- 1 root root 202 Aug 22 00:05 README
-rw——- 1 root root 90M Aug 22 00:05 rear-centos7.iso
-rw——- 1 root root 161K Aug 22 00:05 rear.log
-rw-r–r– 1 root root 0 Aug 22 00:09 selinux.autorelabel
-rw-r–r– 1 root root 11 Aug 22 00:05 timestamp.txt
-rw——- 1 root root 277 Aug 22 00:05 VERSION

ReaR is designed to create bootable .iso, making recovery very easy and flexible in terms of options. .iso files can be booted from CD/DVD optical media, USB Block Storage Devices & Hard disks and also in VMWare & Virtual Box.
To recover a system, you first need to boot to the .ISO that was created with the backup.
You may use your favorite method for booting to the .ISO whether it’s creating a bootable USB sick, burning it to a CD, mounting it in iDRAC, etc.
Just boot to it on the server in which you want to restore to.
When the recovery screen loads, select the top option to recover.
Type root to log in.
To start recovery, type
rear -v recover

# Create missing directory:
mkdir /run/rpcbind

# Manually start networking:
chmod a+x /etc/scripts/system-setup.d/

# Navigate to and list files in /var/lib/rear/layout/xfs
# Edit each file ending in .xfs with vi and remove “sunit=0 blks” from the “log” section.
# In my case, the following files, then save them:
vi /var/lib/rear/layout/xfs/fedora_serv–build-root.xfs
vi /var/lib/rear/layout/xfs/sda1.xfs
vi /var/lib/rear/layout/xfs/sdb2.xfs

# Run the following commands to get a list of LVs and VGs:

# Run the following commands to remove the above listed LVs and VGs:

# Now run recovery again:
rear recover

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Accidentally formatted hard disk recovery

So you had more than one hard disk plugged into your nice new Humax FreeSat set top box, one containing all your existing downloaded media and the other, an empty one intended for recording.

Upon formatting the drive intended for recording you subsequently discover that your other FAT32 disk with all your media on it, now has a nice new, empty NTFS partition on it too.  A real WTF moment that absolutely is not your fault.  It happens to the best of us.  It’s just happened to me.

It’s in these moments that having a can-do attitude is of the utmost importance.  Congratulations are in order, because Life has just presented a real challenge for you to overcome.

The likelihood is 95% of your friends will feign sympathy and tell you…

“there’s nothing you can do if you’ve re-formatted the drive”

the largely self-appointed “tech experts” (on the basis they have all-the-gear) will likely tell you…

“you’ve reformatted your FAT32 partition with NTFS so you’ve lost everything.”

…like you’d have stood a chance if you’d gone over it with a like-for-like file system format and they could have got all your data back for you (yeah, right).

Well, if you’ve been sensible enough to not make any writes to the drive, then I can tell you that you absolutely can recover all your data.  In fact, there’s no data to recover as it’s all still on the drive, so “recovery” will be instantaneous.   I’m here to tell you…

You need a computer running Linux and you need to install the testdisk package.

In a console window, run sudo testdisk

You may need to unmount the disk first using gparted but leave it plugged in.

In testdisk, you need to list partitions and it’ll display the new high performance file system NTFS partition and nothing else at this point.  There is an option to do a “deeper scan”.  This walks the cylinders looking for any evidence that a previous file system was here.  If you’ve not done any writes to the drive since it got reformatted with NTFS, then it’ll instantly find details of a previous FAT32 partition.  You can cancel the scan at this point as it’s found all it needs (see below)

What you need to do now is tell the disk that it’s this format you want on the primary partition, not the current NTFS one.  You can select it, and even list the files on it (P).

This can in someways be the most frustrating part, as you can see that the files and the index are there, but your file manager will still show an empty NTFS disk.  Now you need to switch the NTFS structured disk back over to FAT32 by writing the previously discovered FAT32 structure over the top of the primary partition.

You’ll receive a message along the lines of needing a reboot.  You just need to quit testdisk, and remove and re-add the hard disk (if it’s USB) or reboot if it’s an internal drive and re-run test disk after to see that the NTFS partition structure has been replaced with the FAT32 one that existed before.

Like before, you can list the files on the partition using testdisk.  Seeing as this partition is now the current live one, the files should also appear in your file manager.  In my case, I’m using the Nemo file manager on Linux Mint 18.1 Serena, Cinnamon 3.0 edition (and I can highly recommend it).

So there you go.  There are a few lessons to be learned here -for all of us, but like many things in life, things are not always as they seem.  Your computers file manager does not show you what data is on the disk – it is merely reading the contents of the current known good file allocation table from an address on the front of the disk that the partition is known to begin at.  Such file allocation tables will exist all over the disk from previous lives in between re-formatted for re-use.  When you re-format a disk, you’re just giving the file allocation table a fresh start with a new address but the old one will still exist somewhere and in multiple places on the disk.  The file allocation table is the index of disk contents that is read by the file manager in order to give you a representation of what it believes to be retrievable data on your disk.  The data itself can then be found starting at the addresses contained in that index for each file.  The data is still there on parts of the disk that have not yet been written over with replacement blocks of data, hence if you’ve not performed any writes, then all your data is all still there.  So if you want your data to be truly irrecoverable, then you must perform multiple random writes over the top of all cylinders using a tool like DBAN that will take hours to complete, or better, take an angle grinder to it.  Just remember to take a backup first.

So if you want your data to be truly irrecoverable, then you can perform multiple random writes over the top using a tool like DBAN, or better, take an angle grinder to it.

So the real proof that the data is indeed readable once again would be to open and play a movie file.  So as proof, here’s a little screenie of VLC Media Player playing Penelope Spheeris’ 1981 punk rock documentary “The Decline Of Western Civilization”.

Coincidentally, 1981 is quite a significant year for me, I was 6 years old and my parents had just bought me my first computer -a BBC Model B micro computer that had just been released.  I began teaching myself BASIC right away.


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Reset sysadmin password on VNX

If the sysadmin password is lost or unknown, but you can ssh to the control station and log on as nasadmin, then you can run the following commands to view any additional admin accounts (if any were created).

/nas/sbin/navicli -h spa security -list -type

If there is another admin account on the system, try using the username as the password and see if that works.

If not, then you can create a temporary administrator account using the following command

/nas/sbin/navicli -h spa security -adduser -user tempadmin -password tempadmin -scope 0 -role administrator

This will allow you to log into the Unisphere global scope at the control stations IP address as tempadmin, where you can then reset the sysadmin password on VNX.

After verifying that you can now log back in to Unisphere as sysadmin, don’t forget to delete the tempadmin account from Settings, Global Users in Unisphere.

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Configure VNX for NDMP

Filesystems on your VNX can be backed up using NDMP in emc Networker.  The Networker side of things is already concisely documented here… under the heading Adding a NAS filesystem to backup (using NDMP)

In order for NDMP backups to work, some configuration of the VNX is necessary.

Create network interface for Backup

server_ifconfig server_2 -create -Device FSN01_NDMP_Backup -name Backup -protocol IP iii.iii.iii.iii sss.sss.sss.sss bbb.bbb.bbb.bbb mtu=1500 vlan=902

If you’re unsure of the correct broadcast address bbb.bbb.bbb.bbb, you can go through the motions of configuring an interface using Unisphere first, then use the pre-determined broadcast address in your command line before committing the change.  If you do commit the change, you’ll just need to delete the interface before recreating it using the CLI.  The advantage to using the CLI is that you can assign a name to your interface e.g. “Backup”.  Using unisphere, it’ll assign a name automatically (the IP address separated by hyphens) which is less meaningful.

Check for ndmp user and add user and reset password

/nas/sbin/server_user server_2 -list

/nas/sbin/server_user -add -md5 -passwd ndmp

/nas/sbin/server_user -passwd ndmp


Check port range

server_param server_2 -facility NDMP -info portRange



Check data streams value is consistent with parallelism value in Networker

server_param server_2 –facility NDMP –info concurrentDataStreams

server_param server_2 –facility NDMP –modify concurrentDataStreams –value 8

List full paths required to configure NDMP backup clients (emc VNX)

server_mount server_2

e.g. /root_vdm_2/CYBERFELLA_Test_FS

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Obtain Status Summary from FC Switches in your SAN

Keep SAN switch status info in one place and analyse it daily.  This can be useful for SAN reporting purposes.

It’s a little script I knocked together that looks “bigger” than it actually is (I could improve it further by introducing another loop to eliminate a lot of repetitive code).

It has the pre-requisite of copying ssh keys to each switch to allow a remote nasadmin user to authenticate without passing a password across the network prior to running the show interface brief command and passing the output back to the remote script over an encrypted connection.

Don’t put passwords in your scripts, especially for user accounts that have superuser access to important stuff like your fc switches.  Hacking (in the context of Cracking) is an opportunist crime that exploits bad practices like this to gain entry to the parts of your infrastructure that a denial of service attack would cause the most damage.


# Substitue names of fc-switches below…
FC_SWITCHES=( fc-switch-1 fc-switch-2 fc-switch-3 fc-switch-4 )

#Code Section
#Obtain detail from each switch
#(requires ssh keys to be set up on each switch to enable passwordless ssh authentication of admin user on central node)
# begin first loop
/usr/bin/ssh -q admin@${EACHFCSWITCH} “show interface brief” | tee ${MYDIR}/ShowInterfaceBrief_${EACHFCSWITCH}

#All Show Interface Brief information collected.

#Process information to summarize it in /local/home/nasadmin/switches/SwitchSummary
rm ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary} 2>&1
cd ${MYDIR}
ls -1 ${MYDIR} | grep ^Sh | while read EACHSWITCH
VAR_in=`grep “in” ${EACHSWITCH} | wc -l`
VAR_fc=`grep “fc” ${EACHSWITCH} | wc -l`
VAR_up=`grep “up” ${EACHSWITCH} | wc -l`
VAR_notConnected=`grep “notConnected” ${EACHSWITCH} | wc -l`
VAR_down=`grep “down” ${EACHSWITCH} | wc -l`
VAR_trunking=`grep “trunking” ${EACHSWITCH} | wc -l`
VAR_sfpAbsent=`grep “sfpAbsent” ${EACHSWITCH} | wc -l`
VAR_errDisabled=`grep “errDisabled” ${EACHSWITCH} | wc -l`

echo ${EACHSWITCH} >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary
echo “in ${VAR_in}” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary
echo “fc ${VAR_fc}” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary
echo “up ${VAR_up}” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary
echo “notConnected ${VAR_notConnected}” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary
echo “down ${VAR_down}” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary
echo “trunking ${VAR_trunking}” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary
echo “sfpAbsent ${VAR_sfpAbsent}” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary
echo “errDisabled ${VAR_errDisabled}” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary
echo ” ” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary

#Process information to summarize it in /local/home/nasadmin/switches/SwitchSummary.csv

echo -n “Switch,” > ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary.csv
ls -1 ${MYDIR} | grep Show | cut -d_ -f2 | while read EACHSWITCH
echo -n “${EACHSWITCH},” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary.csv
echo “” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary.csv

echo -n “in,” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary.csv
ls -1 ${MYDIR} | grep Show | while read EACHSWITCH
VAR_in=`grep “in” ${EACHSWITCH} | wc -l`
echo -n “${VAR_in},” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary.csv
echo “” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary.csv

echo -n “fc,” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary.csv
ls -1 ${MYDIR} | grep Show | while read EACHSWITCH
VAR_fc=`grep “fc” ${EACHSWITCH} | wc -l`
echo -n “${VAR_fc},” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary.csv
echo “” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary.csv

echo -n “notConnected,” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary.csv
ls -1 ${MYDIR} | grep Show | while read EACHSWITCH
VAR_notConnected=`grep “notConnected” ${EACHSWITCH} | wc -l`
echo -n “${VAR_notConnected},” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary.csv
echo “” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary.csv

echo -n “down,” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary.csv
ls -1 ${MYDIR} | grep Show | while read EACHSWITCH
VAR_down=`grep “down” ${EACHSWITCH} | wc -l`
echo -n “${VAR_down},” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary.csv
echo “” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary.csv

echo -n “trunking,” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary.csv
ls -1 ${MYDIR} | grep Show | while read EACHSWITCH
VAR_trunking=`grep “trunking” ${EACHSWITCH} | wc -l`
echo -n “${VAR_trunking},” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary.csv
echo “” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary.csv

echo -n “sfpAbsent,” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary.csv
ls -1 ${MYDIR} | grep Show | while read EACHSWITCH
VAR_sfpAbsent=`grep “sfpAbsent” ${EACHSWITCH} | wc -l`
echo -n “${VAR_sfpAbsent},” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary.csv
echo “” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary.csv

echo -n “errDisabled,” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary.csv
ls -1 ${MYDIR} | grep Show | while read EACHSWITCH
VAR_errDisabled=`grep “errDisabled” ${EACHSWITCH} | wc -l`
echo -n “${VAR_errDisabled},” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary.csv
echo “” >> ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary.csv

sed ‘s/,$//’ ${MYDIR}/SwitchSummary.csv >${MYDIR}/SwitchSummaryExcelFormat.csv
rm ${MYDIR}SwitchSummary.csv

#Optionally copy to windows share–> scp S${MYDIR}/witchSummaryExcelFormat.csv windows-server:/windows-share

#Clean exit (before Comments section)
cd –

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Exchange Management Shell

Some useful client-side commands to run in the Exchange Management Shell on the MBX (Mailbox Server) when diagnosing failed Exchange backups in emc Networker or other product (due to VSS Writer issues) and examples of the expected output.

Get-MailboxDatabase GB-DAG* -Status | select Server,name,LastFullBackup

Server Name LastFullBackup
—— —- ————–
Server1 DAG1-MDB01 23/05/2013 14:10:32
Server1 DAG1-MDB07 28/05/2013 00:06:25

Get-MailboxDatabase GB-DAG* -Status | select Server,name,LastIncrementalBackup

Server Name LastIncrementalBackup
—— —- ———————
Server1 MDB01 04/07/2013 19:44:04
Server1 MDB07 04/07/2013 19:44:04

Get-MailboxDatabase GB* -status | sort-object name | ft name, server, lastf*, lasti*, backupinprogress -auto

Name                        Server                              LastFullBackup              LastIncrementalBackup BackupInProgress
—- —— ————– ——————— —————-
MDB01 Server1 02/07/2013 14:45:11 04/07/2013 19:44:04    False
MDB02 Server1 02/07/2013 14:38:56 04/07/2013 19:42:35     False

Get-MailboxDatabase -Identity GB-DAG1* -Status | sort-object name| ft server,name,backupinprogress -auto

Server Name BackupInProgress
—— —- —————-
Server1-MBX001 DAG1-MDB01 False
Server2-MBX002 DAG1-MDB02 True

Get-MailboxDatabase GB* -status | sort-object name | ft name, server, activationpreference, lastf* -auto

Name Server ActivationPreference LastFullBackup
—- —— ——————– ————–
DAG1-MDB01 Server1-MBX001 {[Server1-MBX001, 1], [Server2-MBX001, 2]} 23/05/2013 14:10:32
DAG1-MDB02 Server2-MBX002 {[Server2-MBX002, 1], [Server1-MBX002, 2]} 28/05/2013 00:06:26

Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus “*\GB*” | sort-object name

DAG1-MDB01\Server2-MBX001 Healthy 0 2 30/05/2013 07:50:56 Healthy
DAG1-MDB01\Server1-MBX001 Mounted 0 0 Healthy

vssadmin list writers
vssadmin 1.1 – Volume Shadow Copy Service administrative command-line tool
(C) Copyright 2001-2005 Microsoft Corp.

Writer name: ‘Task Scheduler Writer’
Writer Id: {d61d61c8-d73a-4eee-8cdd-f6f9786b7124}
Writer Instance Id: {1bddd48e-5052-49db-9b07-b96f96727e6b}
State: [1] Stable
Last error: No error

Writer name: ‘VSS Metadata Store Writer’
Writer Id: {75dfb225-e2e4-4d39-9ac9-ffaff65ddf06}
Writer Instance Id: {088e7a7d-09a8-4cc6-a609-ad90e75ddc93}
State: [1] Stable
Last error: No error


See the active/passive status of each mailbox database how Networker will see it prior to backing it up (or ignoring it if it’s active and passive option is set)

nsrsnap_vss_save -v -?

To reset databases that have backups “In Progress” and reset any “Restartable errors” on VSS Writers, restart the Microsoft Exchange Replication Service on all servers in the DAG.

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Passwordless authentication to remote systems

Sometimes, you’ll be faced with writing a script that goes off, collects some information from a remote system, and copies that information to another remote system for off-site storage.  Such an example would be the configuration information of remote unix systems, a backup server or the configuration of a san/nas storage device on your network.

In order to run this job as an automated task, you need to be able to connect securely to the remote systems before copying configuration data over the network, but don’t want to have to enter passwords manually, and shouldn’t include passwords in your scripts either (for security reasons), so how do you do it?

You can use ssh keys to do it.

ssh keys are a pair of keys that can be generated for any given user account (called public key and private key), and the private key is then securely copied to the remote system, so that when a connection attempt is made to that remote system by the user offering their public key, the two keys are put together on the remote system to form a successful means of authenticating to that remote system, just like a normal password, but it’s all done by the systems with no interaction required by the user.

If that sounded complicated, it wasn’t meant to.  And it isn’t.  In summary, setting this passwordless authentication mechanism up goes like this…

1. Generate keys for my user using ssh-keygen

2. Copy the keys to the remote system using ssh-copy-id

3. ssh to the remote system to test.  Voila!

A real-world working example of copying the contents of someuser‘s ~/.ssh/ public key to a remote nas device’s /home/someuser/.ssh/authorized-keys file is shown below with the input required from the sysadmin shown in bold. 5$ su – someuser
[someuser@myserver ~]$ pwd
[someuser@myserver ~]$ ssh-keygen
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/local/home/someuser/.ssh/id_rsa):
Created directory ‘/local/home/someuser/.ssh’.
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /local/home/someuser/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /local/home/someuser/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
[someuser@myserver ~]$ cd .ssh
[someuser@myserver ~/.ssh]$ ls
[someuser@myserver ~/.ssh]$ ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ mynas
Warning: Permanently added ‘mynas,’ (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
A customized version of the Linux operating system is used on the
EMC(R) VNX(TM) Control Station.  The operating system is
copyrighted and licensed pursuant to the GNU General Public License
(“GPL”), a copy of which can be found in the accompanying
documentation.  Please read the GPL carefully, because by using the
Linux operating system on the EMC Celerra you agree to the terms
and conditions listed therein.

PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  In no event will EMC Corporation be liable to
you or any other person or entity for (a) incidental, indirect,
special, exemplary or consequential damages or (b) any damages
whatsoever resulting from the loss of use, data or profits,
arising out of or in connection with the agreements between you
and EMC, the GPL, or your use of this software, even if advised
of the possibility of such damages.

EMC, VNX, Celerra, and CLARiiON are registered trademarks or trademarks of
EMC Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All
other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective

EMC VNX Control Station Linux release 3.0 (NAS 7.0.53)
someuser@mynas’s password:
Warning: No xauth data; using fake authentication data for X11 forwarding.
Now try logging into the machine, with “ssh ‘mynas'”, and check in:


to make sure we haven’t added extra keys that you weren’t expecting.

[someuser@myserver ~/.ssh]$ 102# cd /etc 103# vi cron.allow 104# su – someuser
[someuser@myserver ~]$ crontab -e
no crontab for someuser – using an empty one

crontab: installing new crontab
[someuser@myserver ~]$ crontab -l
45 23 * * * /local/home/someuser/ >/dev/null 2>&1
[someuser@myserver ~]$


Example commands in that work due to the passwordless authentication mechanism being in place are…

Backup myNAS information…

/usr/bin/scp -p -o ConnectTimeout=300 someuser@mynas:/celerra/backup/nasdb_backup.1.tar.gz /home/someuser/nasdb_backup.1.tar.gz

/usr/bin/ssh -q someuser@mynas “export NAS_DB=/nas;/nas/bin/server_mount mydatamover ” | grep rw | grep -v “^root_fs_” >> ~/mynas_db_backup

/usr/bin/ssh -q someuser@mynas “export NAS_DB=/nas;/nas/bin/server_export  ALL ” >> ~/mynas_db_backup

/usr/bin/ssh -q someuser@mynas “export NAS_DB=/nas;/nas/bin/nas_replicate -list ” >> ~/mynas_db_backup

Backup myNAS Network Information…

/usr/bin/ssh -q someuser@mynas “export NAS_DB=/nas;/nas/bin/server_ifconfig server_2 -all ” >> ~/mynas_db_backup

Backup myNAS Quota information…

/usr/bin/ssh -q someuser@mynas “export NAS_DB=/nas;/nas/bin/nas_quotas -list -mover mydatamover” >> ~/mynas_db_backup

/usr/bin/ssh -q someuser@mynas “export NAS_DB=/nas;/nas/bin/nas_quotas -report -mover mydatamover” >> ~/mynas_db_backup

/usr/bin/ssh -q someuser@mynas “export NAS_DB=/nas;/nas/bin/server_df ALL | grep -iv CKPT” >> ~/mynas_db_backup


Adding SSH Key to Cisco MDS Switch

If you have a script that goes off to a Cisco MDS switch, retreives some information and writes it back to a server, then you’d need to copy the ssh key to the switch, just like you would to a remote unix server for the purpose of passwordless authentication during the initial ssh connection.  Adding a public key to a cisco switch is done like this…

config t

username admin sshkey ssh-rsa <contents of here>

It’ll tell you if the key has been added successfully or not.

Deleting a SSH Key from Cisco MDS Switch

To subsequently remove an ssh public key from the switch, use…

no username admin sshkey ssh-rsa <contents of here>


Troubleshooting SSH connections

You may find yourself having issues with connecting as root or any other user for that matter.  Despite having created and copied you public keys to the remote systems, you’re still being prompted for passphrases or passwords for the user, defeating the whole point of setting up passwordless authentication.

Here’s a quick checklist of things to look out for and ways to troubleshoot the connection.

service stop sshd && /usr/sbin/sshd -d  (restart sshd in debug mode on the remote machine)

ssh -vv <remote-host> (connect to the remote host using ssh in verbose mode)

Before Googling the errors, make sure you can confirm the following:

When you generated the public keys using ssh-keygen you left the passphrase blank.

When you copied the keys over to the remote machine using ssh-copy-id you used the full path to the file.  If you’re root, it’s quite probable you copied another users ssh keys over instead of your own!

The .ssh directory in the users home directory has 700 permissions and the authorized-keys file has 600 permissions.

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DataDomain Deduplication

Every year there’s a technology that really stands out and impresses me more than any other.  This year, that technology is Data Domain.  In short it’s like a NAS device, but performs de-duplication of common segments of incoming data in real time, massively reducing how many truly unique blocks of data are ultimately written down to the disks.

When used in conjunction with Networker backup solution, the overhead of de-duplicating all the incoming backup data is offloaded to…

Data Domain can also be used as a virtual tape library more on this in my Networker Cheatsheet here

…a process DDBoost running on the Networker Storage Node receiving the data from the client over the network prior to forwarding on the partially de-duplicated data stream to the DataDomain device.  DDBoost on the storage node performs the first 3 of the 5 stages of de-duplication, with the final 2 stages performed in real-time (as mentioned above) on the DataDomain device itself.

The overhead of all this de-duplication turns out to be insignificant too as it is ultimately less than the overhead of backing up all the data being received from the client in the first place.  Indexing of the backup data occurs at the Networker Backup and Recover Server, usually a separate server to the Storage Node which is blissfully unaware of the fact that the data passing through the storage node on it’s way to the “volume” is being de-duplicated.

You may think that all this makes for fast backups but will make for slow recoveries when the de-duplicated data has to be reconstituted, but in tests, recoveries are very fast, possibly due to the reduced number of seek times reading from the hard disks?.  It’s damn impressive anyhow.  Here’s a real example of just how impressive over 120 days of backing up many Terabytes of data daily…

Yes, you read it right.  It makes for a huge 96.9% reduction in the data ultimately being written to disk as it turns 43Tb of data into just 1Tb on disk.  Like I said, that’s impressive, and should make you realise how expensive and inefficient it is to carry on storing many copies of the same / static data on your expensive SANs as you can use a DataDomain for NFS and CIFS shares too.

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Networker Cheatsheet

Here is a handy cheat sheet in troubleshooting failing backups and recoveries using Dell/EMC Networker.  All content here is taken from real-world experience (and is regularly updated).

Backup Architecture and things to check (at a glance)

Is backup server running? 

Check the uptime and that the daemon log is being written to.

nsrwatch -s backupserver    -Gives a console version of the NMC monitor
cp /nsr/logs/daemon.raw ~/copyofdaemon.raw

nsr_render_log -l ~/copyofdaemon.raw > ~/copyofdaemon.log

tail -10 ~/copyofdaemon.log

You may find mminfo and nsradmin commands are unsuccessful.  The media database may be unavailable and/or you may receive “program not registered” error that usually implies the Networker daemons/services are not running on the server/client.  This can also occur during busy times such as clone groups running (even though this busy-ness is not reflected in the load averages on the backup server.

Client config.

Can you ping the client / resolve the hostname or telnet to 7937?

Are the static routes configured (if necessary).

Can the client resolve the hostnames for the backup interfaces? have connectivity to them?

Does the backup server appear in the nsr/res/servers file?

Can you run this on the client?

save -d3 -s /etc

From the backup server (CLI)…

nsradmin -p 390113 -s client

Note:  If the name field is incorrect according to nsradmin (happens when machines are re-commissioned without being rebuilt) then you need to stop nsrexecd, rename /nsr/nsrladb folder to /nsr/nsrladb.old, restart nsrexecd, and most importantly, delete and recreate the client on the networker backup server, before retrying the following command:

savegrp -vc client_name group_name

Also check that all interface names are in the servers file for all interfaces on all backup servers and storage nodes likely to back the client up.

Can you probe the client?

savegrp -pvc client groupname

savegrp -D2 -pc client groupname (more verbose)

Bulk import of clients

Instead of adding clients manually one at a time in the NMC, you can perform an initial bulk import.

nsradmin -i bulk-import-file

where the bulk-import-file contains many lines like this

create type: NSR Client;name:w2k8r2;comment:SOME COMMENT;aliases:w2k8r2,w2k8r2-b,;browse policy:Six Weeks;retention policy:Six Weeks;group:zzmb-Realign-1;server network interface:backupsvrb1;storage nodes:storagenode1b1;

Use excel to form a large csv, then use Notepad++ to remove commas.  Be aware there is a comma in the aliases field, so use an alternative character in excel to represent this then replace it with a comma once all commas have been removed from the csv.

Add user to admin list on bu server

nsraddadmin -u user=username, host=*     

where username is the username minus the domain name prefix (not necessary).

Reset NMC Password (Windows)

The default administrator password is administrator.  If that doesn’t work, check to see that the GST service is started using a local system account (it is by default), then in Computer Management, Properties, Advanced Properties, create a System Environment Variable;


Stop and start the GST Service and attempt to logon to the NMC using the default username and password pair above.

When done, set


Starting a Backup / Group from the command line

On the backup server itself:  

savegrp -D5 -G <group_name>

Ignore the index save sets if you are just testing a group by adding  -I

Just backing up the :index savesets in a group:

savegrp -O -G <group_name>

On a client:

save -s <backup_server_backupnic_name> <path>

Reporting with mminfo

List names of all clients backed up over the last 2 weeks (list all clients)

mminfo -q "savetime>2 weeks ago" -r 'client' | sort | uniq

mminfo -q 'client=client-name, level=full' -r 'client,savetime,ssid,name,totalsize'

in a script with a variable, use double quotes so that the variable gets evaluated, and to sort on american date column…

mminfo -q "client=${clientname},level=full" -r 'client,savetime,ssid,level,volume' | sort -k 2.7,2.10n -k 2.1,2.5n -k 2.4,2.5n

mminfo -ot -c client -q "savetime>2 weeks ago"

mminfo -r "ssid,name,totalsize,savetime(16),volume" -q "client=client_name,savetime >10/01/2012,savetime <10/16/2012"

List the last full backup ssid’s for subsequent use with recover command (unix clients)

mminfo -q 'client=server1,level=full' -r 'client,savetime,ssid'

Is the client configured properly in the NMC? (see diagram above  for hints on what to check in what tabs)

How many files were backed up in each saveset (useful for counting files on a NetApp which is slow using the find command at host level)

sudo mminfo -ot -q 'client=mynetappfiler,level=full,savetime<7 days ago' -r 'name,nfiles'
name                    nfiles

/my_big_volume          894084

You should probably make use of the ssflags option in the mminfo report too, which adds an extra column regarding the status of the saveset displaying one or more of the following characters CvrENiRPKIFk with the common fields shown in bold below along with their meanings.

C Continued, v valid, r purged, E eligible for recycling, N NDMP generated, i incomplete, R raw, P snapshot, K cover, I in progress, F finished, k checkpoint restart enabled.

Check Client Index

nsrck -L7 clientname

Backing up Virtual Machines using Networker,VCentre and VADP

To back up virtual machine disk files on vmfs volumes at the vmware level (as opposed to the individual file level backups of the individual vm’s), networker can interface with the vcenter servers to discover what vm’s reside on the esxi clusters managed by them, and their locations on the vmfs shared lun.  For this to work, the shared lun’s also need to be presented/visible to the VADP Proxy (Windows server with Networker client and/or Server running as a storage node) in the fc switch fabric zone config.

The communication occurs as shown in blue.  i.e.

The backup server starts backup group containing vadp clients.

The vadp proxy asks vcentre what physical esxi host has the vm, and where the files reside on the shared storage luns.

The vadp proxy / networker storage node then tells the esxi host to maintain a snapshot of the vm while the vmdk files are locked for backup.

the vmdk files are written to the storage device (in my example, a data domain dedup device)

when the backup is complete, the client index is updated on the backup server, and the changes logged by the snapshot are applied to the now unlocked vmdk and then the snapshot is deleted on the esxi host.

Configuring Networker for VADP Backups via a VADP Proxy Storage Node

The VADP Proxy is just a storage node with fibre connectivity to the SAN and access to the ESXi DataStore LUNs.

In Networker, right click Virtualisation, Enable Auto Discovery


Complete the fields, but notice there is an Advanced tab.  This is to be completed as follows…  not necessarily like you’d expect…


Note that the Command Host is the name of the VADP Proxy, NOT the name of the Virtual Center Server.

Finally, Run Auto Discovery.  A map of the infrastructure should build in the Networker GUI


Ensure vc, proxy and networker servers all have network comms and can resolve each others names.

You should now be ready to configure a VADP client.

Configuring a VADP client (Checklist)



application_name – VADP
Daily Full



nsrvadp_save -D9
VADP_HYPERVISOR=fqdn_of_vcenter (hostname in caps)
VADP_VM_NAME=hostname_of_vm (in caps)
Data Domain Backup



  /bin/mail -s “client completion : hostname_client” nwmonmail

Recovery using recover on the backup client

sudo recover -s backup_server_backup_interface_name

Once in recover, you can cd into any directory irrespective of permissions on the file system.

Redirected Client Recovery using the command line of the backup server.

Initiate the recover program on the backup server…
sudo recover -s busvr_interface -c client_name -iR -R client_name

or use…  -iN (No Overwrite / Discard)
-iY (Overwrite)

-iR (Rename ~ )

Using recover> console

Navigate around the index of recoverable files just like a UNIX filesystem

Recover>    ls    pwd cd\

Change Browsetime
Recover>    changetime yesterday
1 Nov 2012 11:30:00 PM GMT

Show versions of a folder or filename backed up
Recover>      versions     (defaults to current folder)
Recover>    versions myfile

Add a file to be recovered to the “list” of files to be recovered
Recover>    add
Recover>     add myfile

List the marked files in the “list” to be recovered
Recover>    list

Show the names of the volumes where the data resides
Recover>    volumes

Relocate recovered data to another folder
Recover>    relocate /nsr/tmp/myrecoveredfiles

Recover>  relocate “E:\\Recovered_Files”     (for Redirected Windows Client Recovery from Linux Svr)

View the folder where the recovered files will be recovered to
Recover>    destination

Start Recovery
Recover>    recover

SQL Server Recovery (database copy) on a SQL Cluster

First, rdc to cluster name and run command prompt as admin on cluster name (not cluster node)
nsrsqlrc -s <bkp-server-name> -d MSSQL:CopyOfMyDatabase -A <sql cluster name> -C MyDatabase_Data=R:\MSSQL10_50.MSSQLSERvER\MSSQL\Data\CopyOfMyDatabase.mdf,MyDatabase_log=R:\MSSQL_10_50\MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Data\CopyOfMyDatabase.ldf MSSQL:MyDatabase

Delete the NSR Peer Information of the NetWorker Server on the client/storage node.

Please follow the steps given below to delete the NSR peer information on NetWorker Server and on the Client.

1. At NetWorker server command line, go to the location /nsr/res

2. Type the command:

nsradmin -p nsrexec
print type:nsr peer information; name:client_name

Delete the NSR Peer Information for the client/storage node from the NetWorker Server.

Specify the name of the client/storage node in the place of client_name.

1. At the client/storage node command line, go to the location /nsr/res

2. Type the command:

nsradmin -p nsrexec
print type:nsr peer information


VADP Recovery using command line

Prereqs to a successful VADP restore are that the virtual machine be removed from the Inventory in VCenter (right click vm, remove from Inventory), and the folder containing the virtual machines files in the vmware datastore be renamed or removed. If the vm still exists in vmware or in the datastore, VADP will not recover it.

Log onto the backup server over ssh and obtain the save set ID for your VADP “FULLVM” backup.

mminfo –avot –q “name=FULLVM,level=full”

Make a note of the SSID for the vm/backup client (or copy it to the cut/paste buffer)

e.g. 1021210946

Log onto the VADP Proxy (which has SAN connectivity over fibre necessary to recover the files back to the datastore using the san VADP recover mode)

recover.exe –S 1021210946 –o VADP:host=VC_Svr;VADP:transmode=san

Note that if you want to recover a VM back to a different vCenter,Datastore,ESX host and/or different resource pool, you can do that from the recover command too, rather than waiting to do it using the vsphere client.  this can be used if your vm still exists in vmware and you don’t want to overwrite it.  You can additionally specify VADP:host=  VADP:datacenter=  VADP:resourcepool=  VADP:hostsystem= and VADP:datastore= fields in the recover command, separated by semicolons and no spaces.

I’ve found that whilst the minimal command above may work on some environments, others demand a far more detailed recover.exe command with all VADP parameters set before it’ll communicate with the VC.  A working example is shown below (with each VADP parameter separated on a newline for readability – you’ll need to put it into a single line, and remove any spaces between each .

recover.exe -S 131958294 -o






VADP:datastore=“config=VM_DataStore#Hard disk 2=VM_DataStore_LUN_Name#Hard disk 1=VM_DataStore_LUN_Name”;



Creating new DataDomain Devices in Networker

In Networker Administrator App from NMC Console, Click Devices button at the top.
Right click Devices in the Left hand pane, New Device Wizard (shown)

Select Data Domain, Next, Next

 Use an existing data domain system
Choose a data domain system in the same physical location to your backup server!
Enter the Data Domain OST username and password

Browse and Select
Create a New Folder in sequence, e.g. D25, tick it.

Highlight the automatically generated Device Name, Copy to clipboard (CTRL-C), Next

Untick Configure Media Pools (label device afterwards using Paste from previous step), Next

Select Storage Node to correspond with device locality from “Use an existing storage node”, Next

Agree to the default SNMP info (unless reconfiguration for custom monitoring environment is required), Next

Configure, Finish

Select new device (unlabelled, Volume name blank), right click, Label

Paste Device Name in clipboard buffer (CTRL-V)
Select Pool to add the Device into, OK.

Slow backups of large amounts of data to DataDomain deduplication device

If you have ridiculously slow backups of large amounts of data, check in Networker NMC to see the name of the storage node (Globals2 tab of the client configuration), then connect to the DataDomain and look under the Data Management, DD Boost screen for “Clients” of which your storage node will be one.  Check how many CPU’s and Memory it has.  e.g. Guess which one is the slow one (below)

Then SSH to the storage node and check what processes are consuming the most CPU and Memory (below)

In this example (above), despite dedicating a storage node backup a single large applications data, the fact that it only has 4 cpu’s and is scanning every file that ddboost is attempting to deduplicate means that a huge bottleneck is introduced.  This is a typical situation whereby decommissioned equipment has been re-purposed.

Networker Server

ssh to the networker server and issue the nsrwatch command.  It’s a command line equivalent to connecting to the Enterprise app in the NMC and looking at the monitoring screen.  Useful if you can’t connect to the NMC.

Blank / Empty Monitoring Console

If you’re NMC is displaying a blank monitoring console, try this before restarting the NMC…

Tick or Un-tick and Re-tick Archive Requests.


Tape Jukebox Operations

ps -ef | grep nsrjb     -Maybe necessary to kill off any pending nsrjb processes before new ones will work.

nsrjb -C | grep <volume>    -Identify the slot that contains the tape (volume)

nsrjb -w -S <slot>      -Withdraw the tape in slot <slot>

nsrjb -d       -Deposit all tapes in the cap/load port into empty slots in the jukebox/library.

Note:  If you are removing and replacing tapes you should take note what pools the removed tapes belong it and allocate new blank tapes deposited into the library to the same pools to eliminate impact on backups running out of tapes.

Exchange Backups

The application options of the backup client (exchange server in DAG1 would be as follows










Adding a NAS filesystem to backup (using NDMP)

Some pre-reqs on the VNX need to be satisfied before NDMP backups will work.  This is explained here

General tab


The exported fs name can be determined by logging onto the VNX as nasadmin and issuing the following command

server_mountpoint server_2 -list

Apps and Modules tab


Application Options that have worked in testing NDMP Backups.

Leave datadomain unticked in Networker 8.x and ensure you’ve selected a device pool other than default, or Networker may just sit waiting for a tape while you’re wondering why NDMP backups aren’t starting!


Backup Command

nsrndmp_save -s backup_svr -c nas_name -M -T vbb -P storage_node_bu_interface 

or don't use -P if Backup Server acts as SN.

To back up an NDMP client to a non-NDMP device, use the -M option.

The value for the NDMP backup type depends on the type of NDMP host. For example, NetApp, EMC, and Procom all support dump, so the value for the Backup Command attribute is:

nsrndmp_save -T dump

Globals 1 tab


Globals2 tab


List full paths of VNX filesystems required for configuring NDMP save client on Networker (run on VNX via SSH)

server_mount server_2

List full paths required to configure NDMP backup clients (emc VNX)

server_mount server_2

e.g. /root_vdm_2/CYBERFELLA_Test_FS

Important:  If the filesystem being backd up contains more than 5 million files, set the timeout attribute to zero in the backup group’s properties.

Command line equivalent to the NMC’s Monitoring screen


Command line equivalent to the NMC’s Alerts pane

printf "show pending\nprint type:nsr\n" | /usr/sbin/nsradmin -i-

Resetting Data Domain Devices

Running this in one go if you’ve not done it before is not advised.  Break it up into individual commands (separated here by pipes) and ensure the output is what you’d expect, then re-join commands accordingly so you’re certain you’re getting the result you want.  This worked in practice though.  It will only reset Read Only (.RO) devices so it won’t kill backups, but will potentially kill recoveries or clones if they are in progress.

nsr_render_log -lacedhmpty -S "1 hour ago" /nsr/logs/daemon.raw | grep -i critical | grep RO | awk {'print $10'} | while read eachline; do nsrmm | grep $eachline | cut -d, -f1 | awk {'print $7'}; done | while read eachdevice; do nsrmm -HH -v -y -f "${eachdevice}"; done

Identify OS of backup clients via CLI

The NMC will tell you what the Client OS is, but it won’t elaborate and tell you what type, e.g. Solaris, not Solaris 11 or Linux, not Linux el6.  Also, as useful as the NMC is, it continually drives me mad how you cant export the information on the screen to excel.  (If someone figures this out, leave a comment below).

So, here’s how I got what I wanted using the good ol’ CLI on the backup server.  Luckily for me the backup server is Linux.
Run the following command on the NetWorker server, logging the putty terminal output to a file:

. type: nsr client
show client OS type
show name
show os type

This should get you a list of client names and what OS they’re running according to Networker in your putty.log file.  Copy and paste the list into a new file called mylist.  Extract just the Solaris hosts…

grep -i -B1 solaris >mylist
grep name mylist | cut -d: -f2 | cut -d\; -f1 >mysolarislist

sed 's/^ *//' mysolarislist | grep -v \\-bkp > solarislist

You’ll now have a nice clean list of solaris networker client hostnames.  You can remove any backup interface names by using

grep -v b$

to remove all lines ending in b.

One liner…

grep -i -B1 solaris mylist | grep name | cut -d: -f2 | cut -d\; -f1 | sed 's/^ *//' | grep -v \\-bkp | grep -v b$ | sort | uniq > solarislist

Now this script will use that list of hostnames to ssh to them and retrieve more OS detail with the uname -a command.  Note that if SSH keys aren’t set up, you’ll need to enter your password each time a new SSH session is established.  This isn’t as arduous as it sounds.  use PuTTY right click to paste the password each time, reducing effort to a single mouse click.


cat solarislist | while read eachhost; do
 echo "Processing ${eachhost}"
 ssh -n -l cyberfella -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ${eachhost} 'uname -a' >> solaris_os_ver 2>&1

This generates a file solaris_os_ver that you can just grep for ^SunOS and end up with a list of all the networker clients and the full details of the OS on them.

grep ^SunOS solaris_os_ver | awk '{print $1 $3 $2}'
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