A more complete set of commands for use on MDS switches, with a useful set of commands at the top for exporting useful information (by logging session output of PuTTY terminal). Note that using a ? after any command will show possible commands.
Export useful information
show switchname (display hostname on network)
show flogi database (shows wwn of fc connected hosts logged in to the switch ports)
fc1/1 60 0xad04d1 50:05:07:61:13:61:a6:33 51:01:07:63:11:20:a6:33
fc1/2 60 0xad0012 50:05:07:63:12:13:51:37 50:01:07:61:12:03:55:37
show interface description (shows description field for each physical port)
show interface brief (shows ports in errDisabled state)
Interface Description
fc1/1 L5500_CyberfellaTD1_1_A
fc1/2 L5500_CyberfellaTD2_1_A
show vsan (display vsans configured)
show zone vsan 10 (display zones in vsan)
show zoneset vsan 10 (display zoneset, zonenames and wwns in zones)
show fcalias vsan 10 (display human friendly alias for each wwn in all zones in vsan 10)
Before you can create your zones, the device connected to the fc switch will need to flog in so you can see its wwn. Before it can do that, the port itself will need to be opened/enabled.
conf t
interface fc1/21 (where 21 is the port number)
no shutdown (obviously!)
more here
If you have to do some CISCO zoning at the command line here are a few of my favorite commands;
original cisco doc here…
To create an alias:
conf t
fcalias name {alias_name} vsan {vsan number}
member pwwn {wwid}
To create a zone:
conf t
zone name {zone _name} vsan {vsan_number}
member {alias_name}
member {alias_name}
To add it to the zoneset:
conf t
zoneset name {zoneset_name} vsan {vsan_number}
member {zone_name}
To activate the zone/zoneset:
conf t
zoneset activate name {zoneset_name} vsan {vsan_number}
Save the configuration
copy running-config startup-config
Displaying Zone Information
You can view any zone information by using the show command. If you request information for a specific object (for example, a specific zone, zone set, VSAN, alias, or even a keyword like brief or active), only information for the specified object is displayed. If you do not request specific information, all available information is displayed. Table 4-1 lists the show commands and the information they display.
Table 4-1 show zone and show zoneset Commands
show Command
show zone
Displays zone information for all VSANs.
show zone vsan 1
Displays zone information for a specific VSAN.
show zoneset vsan 1
Displays information for the configured zone set.
show zoneset vsan 2-3
Displays configured zone set information for a range of VSANs.
show zone name Zone1
Displays members of a zone.
show fcalias vsan 1
Displays fcalias configuration.
show zone member pwwn 21:00:00:20:37:9c:48:e5
Displays membership status.
show zone statistics
Displays zone statistics.
show zone statistics read-only-zoning
Displays read-only zoning statistics.
show zoneset active
Displays active zone sets.
show zoneset brief
Displays brief descriptions of zone sets.
show zone active
Displays active zones.
show zone status
Displays zone status.
show zone
Displays zone statistics.
show running
Displays the interface-based zones.
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